Friday, July 10, 2020

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

हे स्वप्नांचं आकाश, सोडू नको आज...
हे रंगवता रंगवता वर्षे उलटली
प्रत्येक वेळेस माझी काया पालटली

नको सोडूस कधी स्वप्नांची साथ
नको उधळूस तुझी स्वप्नांची रात्रं
थोडी थोडीच होशील तू मोठी
थोड्याची साथ सोडू नको कधी

जगताना होते श्वासाची कोंडी
हळूच मोडावी कधी त्याची हि मांडी
मग, मग कुठे तरी मिळेल तुला मोकळं वारं
तो क्षण देईल तुझ्या स्वप्नांना धार...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Man mhanje kay asta...?

Man mhanje kay asta?
Saunskar chya paulvate cha maintenance asta....
Kharya Khotya goshtin cha padtal asta.....
Man mhanje kay asta?
Ikde kagdi vimanala jet plane cha speed asta......
Ani modkya cycle motor bike cha wheel asta.....
Chalta Chalta udya marta ani kadhi baslya baslya bhramanti karta.....
Nako tithe guntat jata......
Pan pitukla jaun parat yeta....
Khup vela chukta....
ani SORRY SORRY BOMBLAT rahata.....
Man mhanje kay asta?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Make Children’s day…. Happy TVC

Make Children’s day…. Happy


In the car
(Well-dressed man on the driving seat… stuck in the traffic)
Knock on the window… lad on the window with some flowers in hand

Fav: Boy
(Man smiles)
Gives him some money and buys the flowers…

Child moves forward. Man calls him back…

Man: Chotu!! Chotu!!
Boy comes back

Man gives him flowers
Man: Tere liye!!!! Happy Children’s day
Boy is extremely happy and waves to the car…

Make Children’s day…. Happy

Make Children’s Day……… Happy

(Slum area, everything around seems to be dull, droning and sad)

Pov Lady:
Early afternoon lady sitting in front of the stove and cooking food and behind her at a distance 6-7 year old child playing with the paper airplane and making sounds of airplane. Lady turns and looks at him and then glances at the calendar hanging at her right side just beside the shelf and then again turns and looks at the child.

Lady stands and searches some steel cylinder shape utensil (dabbas)

Lady: Mein shyam ko aa joungi….

Boy: Nods…. Then again busy playing with airplane.

Pov Lady…
Its dark around 6.30- 7.00pm lady walks through a narrow path and hiding something continuously wrapped one end of her saree (pallo) but still smile on her face then pass some house and then opens the wrecked door and enters house looks at the child still playing with a paper airplane.

Boy looks at her and tries to hug her with his small arms

She smiles and gives him a box….

Now Int.
Boy: mere liye?

Fav Lady
Lady says nothing only nods…
We see toy airplane flying around the small room

We hear sound of boy clapping and giggling…

Soft music….
May be some (2-3) notes of piano

Make Children’s Day……… Happy

Friday, September 25, 2009

25 November....... International Day for the Elimination of violence against women

किसी गाँव में आज फिर जानकी को जलाया गया.

आज फिर किसी बाज़ार में लैला बेची गयी.

आज फिर किसी मुन्नी को स्कूल छोड़ना पड़ा.

आज फिर किसी बहु को जलाकर मारने की रिपोर्ट दर्ज की गयी.

फिर माँ- बाप ने अपने बेटी को कॉलेज की जगह शादी के मंडप में खडा कर दिया.

आज फिर किसी संध्या का दिन दहाड़े बलात्कार हुआ.

किसी मृदुला को प्यार के इनकार पर रास्ते में गला काटकर मरने की ख़बर आज फिर अख़बार में छपी.

आज फिर किसी अज्ञात बच्ची का शव कूडे में पाया गया.

आज फिर टी.व्ही. पर ४० नाबालिक लड़कियों को बेचने की ख़बर झलकी.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

21st Feb International Mother Language Day

My name is Carol Adam Williams.

My name is .الی حیدر خان (Ali Haider Khan)

My name is நிட்ய பில்லை.(Nitya Pillai)

My name is ആദിട വട്ടോടി. (Aadita Vattody)

My name is सुचिता अरविंद खाडे. (Suchita A. Khade)
     Its my name says who I am... my identity. It says what I believe in Jesus, Ayappa,Tirupati Balaji, Krishna, Aambabai, Allah.
     It says what I celebrate Eid, Diwali, Navratra, Chrismas,
Lohari, Onam etc. It says what my mother tongue is.......